
Category Archive : Lifestyles


6 Best Trails in Karlstad – The City in the Nature County

February 10, 2020

The trails are bustling with life once I make it to some of the best trails in Karlstad. The atmosphere engulfs me with happiness as people hike the paths. Nature is at the cusp of the city and several parks are within the area. Living as ‘the Swedes’ they are, …


An Unforgettable 8 day trip to Croatia with Traverse Journeys

December 16, 2019

Arrival to Zagreb, Croatia I felt giddy as I made it off the plane. All I had was just my backpack, so I’m ready to go and start this trip to Croatia with Traverse Journeys! A local taxi driver was waiting for me that was paid for by the company. …


Passions in a New Country

October 3, 2019

At first, it was hard adjusting to taking the big leap I had done. I moved to Sweden, where my hubby’s from. That first year was the worst for me. All of my family was lives in USA. So it’s not like I could easily visit them. As time progressed, …

Find the Good in the Bad

October 1, 2019

My life has felt like a whirlwind. I have a very sick father, so I decided to fly to USA and be there for him and my mom. My parents felt all hope was lost, then the phone rang. Duke Hospital said that they’d be willing to see my dad …


Travel with TEFL as a Job Oversees

September 19, 2019

My thoughts begin tumbling out. The days have been busy with an overload of homework, tests, and planning. But I’m at my final steps of completing TEFL online where I can travel with TEFL! My advisor is Tyler Parsons: Tyler@internationalteflacademy.com If you’re interested, I recommend it highly! It is a …


Granite National Park

September 17, 2019

Now this trip was in June 2017, before all the fires that now have destroyed such a tranquil place. Beauty took over the horizon as we drove closer. Mountains were taking over our view and many of them had snowy tops. We made it through the gate, and our adventures …


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Misfit Wanders

About Me

Misfit Wanders

Misfit Wanders

My journey had started in USA, which has included hitchhiking, weed farming, and even overcoming a traumatic brain injury. All of this fuels my passion for sharing stories and inspiring others to embrace the beauty of the world's natural wonders and diverse cultures. Through Misfit Wanders, I aim to spark an eco-conscious mindset in travelers. My blog posts are a gateway to eco-friendly and immersive experiences, encouraging everyone to leave a positive impact while exploring our incredible planet. Now, I have an upcoming book that’s loosely based on my traumatic brain injury that’s inspirational and shows how nature has a huge impact on healing. Plus, I’m a mind & body coach that helps guide people to tend to their inner garden and make their life what they want it to be! We can't forget that I'm also a speaker that has inspired many from my tales!

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