
Category Archive : Traveling


Sweden Rally in 2019

February 28, 2019

Smoke overtook the sky as we began to walk closer to the forest road. People were sprawled out in groups through the forest. Many had a campfire going and roasted hot dogs, while others were having trouble just standing. It’s a day where the forests are filled with drunk people …


Spa time in Siem Reap

January 2, 2019

I paged through the Lonely Planet book. My niece said, “We have to do some kind of pampering!” So we finally agreed, a spa day. We would get our nails done on our hands and feet. Plus, a massage each. The price was not so bad at Lemongrass. They gave …


Elephant Valley Project

December 22, 2018

It was fully booked, but we managed to squeeze in. My anticipation for this new adventure began boiling within me. We were in Cambodia during the wet season. So the clay roads were slick and became an unexpected obstacle. The excitement happened quickly. We were in the car for only …


Mayura Zipline in Cambodia

November 12, 2018

I have never ziplined before, so I didn’t know what to expect. My niece (which I was traveling in Cambodia with) and I had two guides. One was in front and one in the back. Once they helped us with all the gear, we watched them do a tutorial for …

Flying into Phnom Penh

September 13, 2018

The  buildings look pristine, covered in gold. Buddhist statues covered the inside, where many can pray to them. Two snakes with eight heads led the way to many different kind of royal palace buildings. I was left in amazement. In this bustling city of Phnom Penh, it still holds a …

Music through the Forest

August 15, 2017

The pounding of the music travels through out the forest. It devours nature with its beats. Probably over 500 people have come to hear the DJs. Many families are scattered in this family forest festival. The name is Forest Star Festival and it is in Sweden, the country that has …


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Misfit Wanders

About Me

Misfit Wanders

Misfit Wanders

My journey had started in USA, which has included hitchhiking, weed farming, and even overcoming a traumatic brain injury. All of this fuels my passion for sharing stories and inspiring others to embrace the beauty of the world's natural wonders and diverse cultures. Through Misfit Wanders, I aim to spark an eco-conscious mindset in travelers. My blog posts are a gateway to eco-friendly and immersive experiences, encouraging everyone to leave a positive impact while exploring our incredible planet. Now, I have an upcoming book that’s loosely based on my traumatic brain injury that’s inspirational and shows how nature has a huge impact on healing. Plus, I’m a mind & body coach that helps guide people to tend to their inner garden and make their life what they want it to be! We can't forget that I'm also a speaker that has inspired many from my tales!

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