
How to Create a Travel Blog

I have always wanted to reach others and get my story out. Once I began my journey to create a travel blog, I have been feeling more true to myself. As I travel , I have a place to write about my experiences and my hiking, where others can read them and be transported to the place. My life has been a crazy roller coaster ride and creating a travel blog has helped me tell it to others. It has always intrigued people to find out what I am up to and where I am now. With this travelblog, it has given people inspiration, courage to stand up, and among other things.

The Past in a Nutshell

Around 5 years ago, I was in an almost fatal car accident. I had a Traumatic brain injury. It was difficult, I had to relearn how to walk, use my brain, and practice doing daily routine things, like cook food. The first year was the toughest and I know I would not be where I am today without my dear friend, that is now my husband. But as I struggled with getting better and endured all the pain, I kept writing. It is what helped me keep my sanity. Many people have told me that my writings have helped them see things in a different light. They see all the obstacles I came across, and didn’t give up!

Dubrovnik, Croatia

Creating a Travel Blog

I am glad to have helped so many, and I still plan to help others! As of now, I am living in Sweden for the past 3 years, where I wander, go on hikes, practice yoga, and ninjutsu. With all that I have been through, I can still live my life as I want to and it helps with having created this travel blog.

Since creating a travel blog, I have been able to help others just from my articles. My own accomplishments have helped people conquer their problems that they have been dealing with. You can do the same! Or you can make a travel blog to start a brand, for gear, or just to make money to help you travel! The options are limitless!

Things needed for creating a Travel Blog:

  • You first off need to create an interesting name that is not too long. It would be best if it goes with your niche. That is something that makes you stand out from the other millions of travel blogs out there. It is going to be your domain name and it would be good to make a logo of it.
  • Next, you need to set up hosting for the blog. I went with bluehost, it was recommended to me and has been really helpful. It is on the cheaper side also.
  • Download WordPress, and don’t forget, have patience. This will be a lot of new information. It may take time before you feel comfortable with all the buttons and gadgets that come with a website.
  • Add new posts regularly to grow your audience and soon the money will come! But don’t forget to stay in your niche!
This was when I went to Cambodia with my niece! It was an amazing trip!

Picking a name!

You should decide on a name that will last you a lifetime. This is very important in creating a travel blog, so it should speak to others with a personality. Many people will be able to remember something that is different from others. Don’t forget to think about the long run. If it is something that you feel you will grow out of, then maybe pick a different name. Put a lot of thought into it! Once you have it narrowed down, maybe talk to someone else online that already has a website, and see what their opinion is about the names. When you are ready to make a domain name, you always want it to be .com. It is the most common and it will make it easier for people to find you.

Create a Travel Blog with a Logo

Once that is complete, it is logo time! I have done my steps out of order, which I wouldn’t suggest to do. A logo can be just your name written in a special font. Or you can have an image with your name. Think outside of the box when you create your travel blog! You want something that catches a person’s eye.

Create a Travel Blog on a Host

I have found Bluehost to be very helpful! If I have an issue, they have 24/7 support and they are quick about it! Starting it up with me will cost you $3.95/month when it usually is $7.99/month. It also will install WordPress and give you a free domain! It is a quick and painless set up to get it started.

This is how the page to Bluehost will look:

Next, it is time to select a plan that works best for you! Click the green select button

Select one of the plans, then you go to this:

Choose a Domain Name

This is where that name you choose goes in. You want to have .com as part of your url. It is good to have a couple chosen, in case one is not available with .com. The reason for this is because it’s the most commonly searched.

If you already have bought a domain name, then you can just put it in!

The next screen is for your personal information. Your name, address, and the package info.

Choose a Plan

If you want to test the waters first, until you understand more and feel you have the hang of it, here’s the basic plan. I believe this is the best one to try out first. Then once you get the gist of how it all works, then you can pick one of the other options for starting to create your travel blog.

Make a password

Now comes time to create a password. This is what you will use with bluehost and it will connect you with WordPress.

Now you are ready to start your blog!

With my posts, I like to use Viglink. They configure from what you are writing about and what advertisement would appeal to the people reading it! If you advertise for them, I make a little money also! Just click viglink to learn more!

But don’t lose your individuality when writing. It is what makes a person shine! It is someone’s unique self that will bring in the audience and make you different from the crowd when you’re creating a travel blog. As you can see, the name I chose was because of how different I am than others. I have always been an oddball in my family and with my friends. When I was younger, I hated it. Never fitting in. But now, I embrace it and realize it is what makes me, well me! Don’t lose yourself and always give yourself a chance! It is unbelievable what a person can accomplish if they set their mind to it!

Good luck to you all!

~Dani James (Misfitwanders)

If you go with bluehost, I make a commission from it. It does not affect the money you pay for their hosting.


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Misfit Wanders

About Me

Misfit Wanders

Misfit Wanders

My journey had started in USA, which has included hitchhiking, weed farming, and even overcoming a traumatic brain injury. All of this fuels my passion for sharing stories and inspiring others to embrace the beauty of the world's natural wonders and diverse cultures. Through Misfit Wanders, I aim to spark an eco-conscious mindset in travelers. My blog posts are a gateway to eco-friendly and immersive experiences, encouraging everyone to leave a positive impact while exploring our incredible planet. Now, I have an upcoming book that’s loosely based on my traumatic brain injury that’s inspirational and shows how nature has a huge impact on healing. Plus, I’m a mind & body coach that helps guide people to tend to their inner garden and make their life what they want it to be! We can't forget that I'm also a speaker that has inspired many from my tales!

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