
The Calling to Peru

I follow my own star and my own inner compass.

~Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Journey to the Amazons

In Yurimaguas, Peru (near the Amazons). It is beautiful here, and all the people are so welcoming. I found out that I´m considered exotic here because of my porcelain skin (oh, lucky me)!

Slowly, I´m picking up on Spanish, not many people in this town know English. My thoughts are a bit scrambled. I started my journey December 30th, in Lima, Peru. What a big city! 10 million people, 10 million people all bustling the streets together. It makes me suffocate! All these buildings, all these people.

I have never been a city girl. Even when I lived in Denver, Colorado. It just doesn’t call to me. What I can’t live without, is nature. Being surrounded by it just makes my whole body calm and feel at home.

Maybe it’s because I have more love for animals than humans that I enjoy nature so much. Now, let me explain. The way I see it, is that animals are innocent and along came us, the humans. We have destroyed so much out of greed and selfishness. So sorry, but I have more caring feelings for animals that can’t fight back.

I’m on the left, in the middle are girls we met, and my friend is on the right. This is at Kuelap.

It’s stalker time

This same city, I ran into a little trouble. I was on my way walking back to my hostel. Now, my sense of direction is a mess. I have confidence, so it may seem like I know where I’m going, but I have no idea!

This peruvian guy began talking to me. He kept asking my name or phone number. My Spanish is not there yet. I repeatedly said no, and he drove by my side. This went on for about ten minutes. It was my lucky day! Up ahead, I saw a police man on the sidewalk. Just as I saw him, the guy in the car must have too. He spun out of there so fast. That took care of that problem. But it gave me the chills. Was he planning on taking me?

I blocked that out of my mind and took out my map to show the officer. I think this was the first time I was relieved to see a cop. Strange how life throws you curve balls. He pointed me in the right direction and I made it in one piece!

Travel with the unknown

I met up with my friend, (the only reason I came to Peru) and we ended up partying in Lima. Drunkeness captivated me, and some hit ons happened. The next day, I was awoken by people that were still partying. At the hostel they were still up and going strong. For about 15 minutes a guy talked to me about my eyes and, ¨How pretty they are…Wow…¨

Oh, pleeaase… After that, our journey really began.

We stayed at each town or city about a day or two, then moved to the next one. We were making great time, seeing so much. We saw Chan Chan, the Moche temples (Huanaco del Sol y de Luna). Also, we saw Kuelap, which I might add was AMAZING! It is this city that was built by the Vikings in the side of the mountain.

The next day we went to see the Gocta Waterfall in the pouring rain. But a rock slide happened so we couldn´t get any closer to it. It was a great hike! Really hard, but great, and the first one to many more for me.

Unspoken words

Gocta Waterfalls
Gocta Waterfall

Silence is what this trip has been filled with. My friend doesn´t tend to talk very much. For only knowing him for a couple of months, it´s quite a leap to take to start traveling together in a different country. What was I thinking… So good so far…

There were many nights where we had fun. We were friends with benefits. When it came time to lay down, our hands couldn’t get enough of one another.

There’s this nagging feeling I keep having. My heart beats faster when I’m near him. I don’t want to admit it, but I think I have feelings for him. We talked about how we are just friends and I understand that, but who holds the reins for when they begin to like someone. I can’t help it.

My hubby and I had a winter trip on quads to a frozen lake in Sweden!

Six years later…

This post was actually the first one I had created on a blog. It was when I first started my journeys outside of America and into a whole new world for me. It really opened my eyes and I instantly fell in love with traveling.

This quirky guy that I had known for such a short time, well now, he’s my hubby! We have been together now for 5 years and we are still enjoying each other’s company. The traveling life still happens and on top of that, our home base is Sweden, that’s where he’s from.

We finally admitted we had fallen for each other. Just recently, he spilled the beans! He went out of his way, while we traveled separately in Bolivia just to meet up with me. At the time, I hadn’t even thought of that!

There was too much to see and do! I thought, “Oh cool, he’s in the same area as me.” (several times). I’m glad that we fessed up about our feelings because I see no better person to go on journeys through my life with than him!

Our recent trip to the Netherlands!


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Misfit Wanders

About Me

Misfit Wanders

Misfit Wanders

My journey had started in USA, which has included hitchhiking, weed farming, and even overcoming a traumatic brain injury. All of this fuels my passion for sharing stories and inspiring others to embrace the beauty of the world's natural wonders and diverse cultures. Through Misfit Wanders, I aim to spark an eco-conscious mindset in travelers. My blog posts are a gateway to eco-friendly and immersive experiences, encouraging everyone to leave a positive impact while exploring our incredible planet. Now, I have an upcoming book that’s loosely based on my traumatic brain injury that’s inspirational and shows how nature has a huge impact on healing. Plus, I’m a mind & body coach that helps guide people to tend to their inner garden and make their life what they want it to be! We can't forget that I'm also a speaker that has inspired many from my tales!

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