
My Furry Soul Mate

Salvation for the Furry

My family dogs were both gone and my love for animals was incurable. They were like my kryptonite. If I saw an animal in trouble, I came flying in. There was this one day, when I was a teenager on a cold snowy night, I went to Walmart (not my favorite place). This scrawny little kitten was running between parked cars looking for food. My heart broke. I went into the store and forgot all  about my reason for going there in the first place and I buy only wet cat food.

As I quickly walked out, my heart started beating frantically. What if something horrible has happened to that poor little guy!? I pushed that thought away and looked around. Finally, I saw the tiny kitty. It was terrified of me and now I could see its ribs protruding out of its body. It hid underneath a car. Slowly I opened the food and bent down. I think about 5 minutes passed and a guy around my age stopped to help. He ended up getting the kitten with his hat, he lifted the little thing out and handed it to me. I was so thankful. As he tried getting my number, I hurriedly walked to my car with the tiny kitten in my hands. Once I got there, I gave the rest of the food to the little one.

My hubby with our two cats when they were little. Ayasha loves to be on the shoulder also!

The whole ride home, the little kitty stayed on my shoulder purring in my ear. I could feel how happy it was to be out of the winter night. A day or so passed, and I brought the little one with me to work. I knew someone that would definitely be able to take her in. My face beamed with joy as I felt I had done a good deed. Throughout my childhood, I had a knack of finding animals that needed help; Birds, dogs, cat, and even people. When I know some living thing needs help, I guess I just jump on it. I know actions speak louder than words and if I know I can help in some way, I will try my hardest!

Love at first sight

Anyway, as I said, my family dogs were both gone. Well, for some reason my friend wanted to check out the Humane Society. I didn’t think anything about it since I have been there before and had no issues. But on this day, that’s when I met him, my soul mate. I was only 17 years old, but that couldn’t stop my heart from pounding and feeling he was the other part of me. When I saw him caged up, my heart sank. I wanted him to be free.

Clyde when we were on our road trip through USA.

Never forgotten

Right away, I asked if I could go into one of the meeting rooms to say hi to him. At first, he was shy and had to smell everything. Then he had to smell me, and suddenly, he was filled with joy! His white long fur with black speckles made him look like some kind of wolf dog. As he became happy, his curly tail bounced to and fro. It looked as though he wore a robber’s mask, since his ears were black all the way down to each eye. I thought maybe his name was Bandit, but it was Clyde, which seemed like it fit him. I looked at my friend through the window and I knew it was a bad idea. My parents had told me, “No more strays!” I had to say goodbye to the 3 month old puppy with his one black floppy ear.  

One day passed and I couldn’t stop thinking about that puppy. He stole my heart in an instant and now I couldn’t get him out of my head! After school, I drove back to the Humane Society and frantically looked for him. He wasn’t there! I tried calming my nerves before talking with a worker. She explained that the puppies were brought to the baseball field. It was a way that people got to see them and help them get adopted. My eyes grew wide with worry. I told her thanks and she reassured that they would be here the next day. So the next day, at school, I counted down the minutes until the last bell rang. Nothing would stop me from getting there. As it rang, I was already on my way out the door.

Clyde on the Beach in San Mateo, California, USA

My adrenaline was pumping in my ears as I drove one more time to the humane society. I was filled with excitement and worry. What if someone has adopted him? I kept thinking, but finally I snuffed it out. I would find out soon enough. Once I was through the doors, it felt as though I ran to his cage. There he sat with a sad look in his eyes. Then he saw me and his whole face brightened. Relief washed over me and I quickly grabbed his paper as though someone would snatch it up before me. I told him I would be back as I walked away to talk with a worker.

He was so happy to be out of the cage and with me again. That same day, my niece had a soccer game. Clyde and I both went to it, and as we walked on the field, Clyde stayed by my side. I didn’t even need to use a leash. I had brought a tiny dog bed with so he could lay on that while we watched the game. My niece was thrilled to see the tiny puppy. She could barely keep playing the game. When I went home, my parents were furious with me, which I understood. But this was something I felt was out of my hands. Over time, they fell in love with him. They realize now, that he was the best thing in my life as I grew up.

Best bud till the end

Now, my Clyde is an old man. 12 years old and he still has times that he acts like a pup! He has been my stablilty throughout my life and for a while there, most of his life had been on the road. We hitched hiked, train hopped, and worked on farms. He has experienced a lot, especially for a dog! I think he has traveled on practically any motorized thing!

I know that many people may say that he’s just a dog. But they don’t understand. He is a living being and a pretty smart one. There were times, where he would give you a look, and you just knew what that look meant. I know he gave me that a few times when I had done something stupid. This dog has been and still is a huge part of me. We have experienced so much together! He is part of my family. I just knew that the first day I met this dog that he was meant to have a life with me!

Follow your heart

Animals can have a huge impact on humans, any living thing, really. I mean, we have bacteria, herbs, and plants that can cure illnesses. Why would we think that humans are above everything else? If someone tries to tell you different than how you feel, just ignore them. It’s best to stay true to your heart!

A quote that comes from Anatole France is something I believe full heartedly!

“Until one has loved an animal a part of one’s soul is un-awakened.”

Anatole France- Poet (1844-1924)


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Misfit Wanders

About Me

Misfit Wanders

Misfit Wanders

My journey had started in USA, which has included hitchhiking, weed farming, and even overcoming a traumatic brain injury. All of this fuels my passion for sharing stories and inspiring others to embrace the beauty of the world's natural wonders and diverse cultures. Through Misfit Wanders, I aim to spark an eco-conscious mindset in travelers. My blog posts are a gateway to eco-friendly and immersive experiences, encouraging everyone to leave a positive impact while exploring our incredible planet. Now, I have an upcoming book that’s loosely based on my traumatic brain injury that’s inspirational and shows how nature has a huge impact on healing. Plus, I’m a mind & body coach that helps guide people to tend to their inner garden and make their life what they want it to be! We can't forget that I'm also a speaker that has inspired many from my tales!

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