
Top 11 Things to Do When You’re in a Lockdown

August 21, 2020 | Posted by misfitwanders | Hiking, Lifestyles, Time, Training, Writing

As the world is going through the pandemic, many are in self isolation. In that time, you may feel like you’re getting a bit stir crazy. But don’t worry, there are still many things to do when you’re in a lockdown. Here’s a list I created to help ease your anxiety and keep you occupied as you wait for the days to pass by. In a way, this stay at home time can help you. Now you have the free time to work on all those unfinished projects!

1.     Go out in Nature or Balcony

Wander out in the outdoors near your home. A nice hike can relieve any stress that you’re having. If you don’t have any nature near your place, then I would say enjoy the sun on your balcony or porch. Soak up the much-needed warmth from the rays. The vitamin D that you get from the sun can help cheer you up as well! You can start your day off with a nice cup of coffee or tea and relax there. Even if you don’t have the luxury of having a way to be outside, go to a window in your place where you can enjoy the light from the sky. Check out my article that explains how hiking is a great way for social distancing.


Hovfjallet Nature Reserve
Hovfjallet Nature Reserve

2.     Pick up a Hobby Using the Internet

Maybe you haven’t had time to practice that instrument in your closet that is just collecting dust. The internet is a wonderful thing. You can check out some videos on youtube that can help you learn an instrument, or it can also show you all kinds of hobbies. Or maybe you have been wanting to learn a new language. I’m learning Swedish, and Duolingo helps me with that. There’s also Babbel out there and Rosetta Stone. You can find videos and tutors online too.


3.     Watch a Movie or Binge Watch a Series

If I’m feeling sad and down in the dumps with the lockdown, a good movie or tv series cheers me up! With how things are right now, it’s out of our hands. So, sit back and relax, it’s movie time! Netflix is a good one to have, where many people can be lost for days on it with all the options it has. My favorite movies to watch vary, but to put me in a better mood, I enjoy Tucker & Dale Vs. Evil, or Moana. A heads up, these two movies are completely different. The first one is a dark humor with gore and the second one is an animation about a girl on a journey to save her island. I think both are funny, but hey, I like all kinds of movies! Plus, I’m a grown up kid. These are just a few of the things to do when you’re in a lockdown.


Moana Poster
Check out Moana


4.     Call up Some Old Friends or Family Members

Everyone is going through the lockdown, so many are just as bored as you! Call up friends or your family and just have a nice talk. This will help you if you’re a social bunny and the isolation is getting to you. At least there are phones and ways to contact others. You can use the internet to talk with others as well. Jump on Whatsapp or try out the OLD way and write a letter. Then put it in your postbox and have it sent it in the mail.


things to do when you're in a lockdown
My mom, friends, and I

5.     Work on your Cooking/Baking Skills

Now is the best time to create that AWARD Winning Cake you have been dreaming of! Or maybe you just want to learn some new recipes. Time is on your side now! This is one of the best things to do when you’re in a lockdown. Youtube videos can help loads with these and if you have some cookbooks lying around, open them up and explore the pages. Don’t forget to write down your new concoctions, so you know how to create them again!



things to do when you're in a lockdown
Food in Amsterdam

6.     Workout or do Yoga to Put your Mind at Ease

When I’m stuck inside, my body wants to move. I’ve found that working out daily or doing yoga helps me out tremendously! These kind of activities helps calm me and take away heavy stress from my shoulders. I’d say, at least 30 minutes a day. I like to use DownDog app.  It has someone that instructs you and will show you each move.  Plus, youtube can be used for so many things. You can find videos on there of great home exercises!


7.     Jam out to Music and Dance

Put on your favorite music and have a good time listening. If you’re into dancing, then start learning a new move. Follow the beats with your feet and create your own dance move or use the all-knowing youtube. There, you’ll be able to find all kinds of new moves. Tik-tok app is another great place that gives you tips on learning new dance moves.


8.     Reflect on Yourself

This is a great time where you can think of your past, present, and future self. Are you in a place in your life that you’re happy with? Are there things about yourself that you want to change? This is the best time to figure out what you want to do in your life and what kind of person you want to be. In my opinion, this is one of the greatest things to do when you’re in a lockdown. It’s so rewarding once you find yourself.



things to do when you're in a lockdown
Glaskogen in Sweden


I’ve reflected on myself when I was away from the internet for several months working on a mountain in Northern California. I realized that I wasn’t the person I wanted to be. Reflecting on my past, helped me see how I was to others and I didn’t like that. I have grown from it, and it was the best thing I have done for myself!

9.     Jot Down those Thoughts on Paper

Take a pen to your notebook and begin to write down your thoughts. This is a great way to get your feelings out there or just write down stories. Writing is one of my favorite things. I love how I can imagine anything and make it come to life with my wordings in a story. Maybe you’re one that doesn’t flaunt your feelings. Then it would be best to write them down. You don’t want it to stay bottled up because it can boil over and become a bigger problem.

10. Go out and Stargaze or Enjoy them from the Window

The one good thing about this chaos is that the environment is getting a break from us humans. The smog in the atmosphere has been minimizing and the sky has become easier to see. Not as many flights are happening and tourists are not overcrowding the cities. Take advantage of this and gaze into the night sky. Enjoy the constellations and maybe learn the stories behind them! Staring at the stars is a favorite pastime of mine.



things to do when you're in a lockdown
Image by FelixMittermeier from Pixabay

11. Start Reading a Good Book

It may feel dark and dreary right now, but what helps me is cuddling up with a good book. Find books online or on your shelf that have been waiting for you to pick them up. A favorite of mine is The Alchemist. It’s a great book to help you see how things in life can connect by the choices made. Or check out the trilogy, Hunger Games! Those will take you on a journey filled with adrenaline and keep you wanting more!


things to do when you're in a lockdown
Hunger Games Trilogy Books


These are great things to do when you’re in a lockdown. Don’t forget to enjoy your life. Make the best out of your situation.


things to do when you're in a lockdown


things to do when you're in a lockdown

Hiking in Sweden

If you want to start planning a trip out into Sweden’s nature, then the article Hiking in Sweden is what you need to check out. I explain the do’s and don’ts while you’re in the outdoors. Plus, you get to learn more about how it is in Sweden. Check it out here!


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Misfit Wanders

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Misfit Wanders

Misfit Wanders

My journey had started in USA, which has included hitchhiking, weed farming, and even overcoming a traumatic brain injury. All of this fuels my passion for sharing stories and inspiring others to embrace the beauty of the world's natural wonders and diverse cultures. Through Misfit Wanders, I aim to spark an eco-conscious mindset in travelers. My blog posts are a gateway to eco-friendly and immersive experiences, encouraging everyone to leave a positive impact while exploring our incredible planet. Now, I have an upcoming book that’s loosely based on my traumatic brain injury that’s inspirational and shows how nature has a huge impact on healing. Plus, I’m a mind & body coach that helps guide people to tend to their inner garden and make their life what they want it to be! We can't forget that I'm also a speaker that has inspired many from my tales!

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